Hey There!
You must be a smart one, because you’re here and your looking for help. Sure, things might be total crap right now (trust me, I’ve been there, done that) but I promise that as you get older and gain more autonomy and resources, things will get better. You’ll find a helpful therapist, caring friends, build healthy relationships, and even learn to like and love yourself. Maybe right now, you’re not there yet. But believe me when I say, feelings pass–good and bad. So whatever you’re feeling RIGHT NOW, just give it some time. Find someone to talk to, please. A therapist, teacher, guidance counselor, friend, aunt, uncle, grandparent, librarian. Let the people around you in. They can help. Many want to help. But they can’t if they don’t know that you’re hurting. You are precious. Please take advantage of all these great resources below.
Reach out to your local school guidance counseling department for referrals in your area, or ask your parents to check with your insurance carrier, or go to Psychology Today to find a therapist that’s right for you.
Struggling? You’re Not Alone. Look at all these options of people who want to help you. You matter!
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
If you need to talk, the 988 Lifeline is here. Options for help are offered in English, Spanish, and Hearing Impaired.
Get the Teen Talk App! Free support is a click away.
Need to vent? Use the Crisis Text Line. Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a volunteer Crisis Counselor. Free confidential 24/7 support at your fingertips.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline
Behavioral Health Resources for Teens and Young Adults
A list of mental health resources and printable materials to support teens, parents, and schools.
Websites Especially for Teens
Building Protective Factors for Adolescent Mental Health
World Health Organization offers statistics on the current state of Adolescent Mental Health.
The National Institute of Mental Health is a great resource for children and adolescents.
Books saved my life. We can learn so much from them. Consider these titles.