Rainbows and puppy dogs, right?
<<falls out of chair laughing>>
Here is where I apologize to all the children and families I treated before I had kids of my own. My treatment was still appropriate, but boy did I not get it. Parenting is HARD!!!!
The best thing you can do is put yourself in Time Out so you don’t say something you’ll wish you could take back later. Educating yourself is key. I’ve put together a list of books and resources for parents on my Pinterest Page below. Talking with friends or other parents is helpful, too, so you can see you’re not alone. Nobody really prepares us for how hard parenting is. Make no mistake, it’s the hardest job there is. And just when you think you understand your child at their current stage, they go and change! The nerve! So it’s a constant struggle and you’d do well to build a healthy support system around you because it really does take a village.
Below is a small gathering of Clinical Information to Increase Understanding of the Current Mental Health Crisis our kiddos are facing today. Be brave and use your resources. Ask for help. Talk to your child’s teachers, their guidance counselor, find a licensed therapist in your area and get help sooner rather than later.
The mental health crisis among children and teens: How parents can help. Harvard Medical School
Fighting back against COVID-19 and its Psychological Effects on Kids. American Psychological Association.
Teen Mental Health: How to Know When Your Child Needs Help. Healthy Children.org, from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health. National Institute of Health. National Library of Medicine.